1. 1. Terms of sale
Discover Italia SRL
It is the owner of the Shop Discover Campania platform, which offers its Partners the opportunity to sell their products through the platform.
2. Partner
It is the commercial activity that uses the platform to resell its products. It deals with the insertion of the products, the packaging of the same for shipping and is the one who will have access to the customer’s data for billing the products purchased.
3. Customer
The Customer is the one who, interested in purchasing a certain product, concludes the purchase order. The customer can be a company or a private customer even if belonging to a country other than the Italian one.
4. Registration
In order to be able to conclude the purchase order, the Customer is required to make a registration in which he must necessarily enter his personal data, the shipping address and his tax code.
Following registration, the Customer will be able to access his account and will be able to see and / or modify his data at any time and above all monitor the concluded orders and follow the various stages.
5. Products
The products are inserted directly by the Partners. The Partner selling the product is always visible in the product sheet. The Product sheet contains description, dimensions, price and availability.
6. Prices
The prices expressed in Euro are all VAT included and cannot be changed. VAT is not applied in the following cases:
- EU, non-EU company or company customer upon presentation of a declaration of intent.
- No-EU private individual or private individual upon presentation of a declaration of intent.
7. Shopping Cart
The products chosen by the Customer with their respective quantities will be included in the cart. The products of several Partners can also be entered.
8. Shipping
Shipping costs are charged to the customer. Inside the cart, before the conclusion of the order, the customer can choose the shipping method. Discover Italia SRL will take care of the shipment of the goods. The delivery of the Products is subject to payment