The Paradise lost


Terracotta monoblock entirely hand-modeled with small sticks and a pin point, then fired at 940° The realization takes place by growth, each small piece (leaves, blades of grass, flowers, etc.) is affixed individually, to form the complete work.

Adoration of the Shepherds


Terracotta monoblock entirely hand-modeled with small sticks and a pin point, then fired at 940° The realization takes place by growth, each small piece is affixed individually, to form the complete work.

The gift of the Shepherds


Terracotta monoblock entirely hand-modeled with small sticks and a pin point, then fired at 940 ° The realization takes place by growth, each small piece is affixed individually, to form the complete work.

Holy night


Terracotta monoblock entirely hand-modeled with small sticks and a pin point, then fired at 940°

The realization takes place by growth, each small piece is affixed individually, to form the complete work.

Holy Family


Terracotta monoblock entirely hand-modeled with small sticks and a pin point, then fired at 940°.

The work is a unique piece kept in a glass bell.